What happens when you 'signup with facebook'?

On many websites nowadays you will find the buttons of signing up or logging in using FACEBOOK, or GOOGLE or TWITTER, etc displayed. But what really happens when you signup using tech giants like Google or twitter or facebook? Today I will explain to you in simple terms. If you are having an account with facebook or google or twitter, they have some basic information about you. This information is like your name, your profile picture, your email address and probably your phone number. Before I proceed, allow me to explain an important term here: API-Application Programming Interface. API in layman's language is a way of sharing information between applications. Facebook has the information I enumerated above about you stored in their database and this website/application you're trying to signup to needs that information about you. So, an API acts as a messenger. Facebook/Google/Twitter, etc have an API that shares information about you on your consent. When you click on si...